ZYTO Balance

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Biofeedback that takes the guesswork out of which supplements we need to bring our body back into balance. Is It Safe? There are no known contraindications for properly administered ZYTO scanning. The amount of energy used in a scan is so low that it is safe for infants, children, and adults of all ages, including people with pacemakers and pregnant women. Most of your daily activity is managed by an exchange of information that happens at a level below conscious awareness. Every second there are an estimated 400 million impulses of information processed by your body that you are not aware of. The 70 trillion cells that make up your body are built for communicating this information. These molecules are organized in a crystalline pattern that facilitates communication. As the cells compress and expand, their structure generates the energy needed to pass information along, allowing your entire body to function in a coordinated and healthy way. HOW DOES IT WORK? This technology revolutionizes the way we make decisions by allowing us to communicate with our bodies. It takes the guesswork out of which supplements we need to bring our body back into balance.  The Compass Bio-Energy system eavesdrops on energetic cellular communication by monitoring the electrical changes in Galvanic Skin Response or GSR. Much like the polygraph, the Compass sends stimuli to the body and measures the response. This is done by converting computer data representative of Nature’s Sunshine nutritional supplements into what are called virtual stressors. Using proprietary algorithms within the Compass’ Decision Support Technology software we are able to determine the body’s degree of positive or negative response to the items being assessed. This information is extremely valuable in letting you know how your body is prioritizing different nutritional supplements. If you answer YES to any of the questions below, you should make an appointment today for the Compass. Do you need accurate information about your body to point your way to better health? Are you getting tired of treating symptoms instead of getting to the root of the problem? Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Are you losing too much sick time from work or school? Do you feel your kids are ALWAYS sick with something? Do you want to be proactive about your health to avoid more serious health issues later on? Are you concerned about aging? Are you looking for more affordable health care options? The original wellness scanner that provides insight about the biological coherence to nutritional products, oils, and supplements. This assessment tests for nearly 500 Nature’s Sunshine products and gives an accurate report of what supplements your body is asking for. This information is extremely valuable in letting you know how your body is prioritizing different nutritional supplements. This technology revolutionizes the way we make decisions by allowing us to communicate with our bodies. It takes the guesswork out of which supplements can bring our body back into balance.